Adding a pole to a system transfer function in terms of compensator represents which type of compensator

Electrical Engineering XYZ MCQs

Adding a pole to a system transfer function in terms of compensator represents which type of compensator:

  1. Lead-lag
  2. Lag-lead
  3. Lead
  4. Lag

Correct answer: 3. Lag


Adding a pole to a system transfer function in terms of a compensator represents a lag compensator.

Here’s an explanation to above Electrical Engineering XYZ MCQs

  • Lead compensator adds a zero to the system transfer function, increasing the phase margin and improving the transient response.
  • Lag compensator adds a pole to the system transfer function, decreasing the bandwidth and improving steady-state accuracy.
  • Lag-lead compensator is a combination of lead and lag compensators, designed to achieve both transient response improvement and steady-state accuracy.
  • Lead-lag compensator is not a commonly used term in control theory. However, it could potentially refer to a compensator that combines aspects of both lead and lag compensation.

So, given the options, adding a pole (which represents lag) corresponds to a lag compensator.

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