BROWN BLACK GOLD GOLD Resistor Indicates What Value in 4 Band Resistor Color Coding

BROWN BLACK GOLD GOLD Resistor Indicates What Value

A 4 Band resistor with colored bands BROWN BLACK GOLD GOLD RESISTOR (From left to right) indicate resistor value: 1 Ohms ±5%

  1. First band Brown [1]: It implies the first digit from the left side which is 1.
  2. Second band Black [0]: It implies the second digit from the left side which is 0.
  3. Third band Gold [X0.1 ohm]: Implies the multiplier with value 0.1.
  4. Fourth band Gold [± 5%]: Implies the tolerance of 5 percent.


10 * 0.1 ohms ± 5% = 1 Ω ± 5% Tolerance value

Also see: What does a Brown Black Red Gold Resistor indicate

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