Attenuators are passive devices. It is convenient to discuss them along with decibels. Attenuators weaken or attenuate the high-level output of a signal generator, for example, to provide a lower level signal for something like the antenna input of a sensitive radio receiver. (Figure below) The attenuator could be built into the signal generator, or be a stand-alone device. It could provide a fixed or adjustable amount of attenuation. An attenuator section can also provide isolation between a source and a troublesome load.

In the case of a stand-alone attenuator, it must be placed in series between the signal source and the load by breaking open the signal path as shown in Figure above. In addition, it must match both the source impedance ZI and the load impedance ZO, while providing a specified amount of attenuation. In this section we will only consider the special, and most common, case where the source and load impedances are equal. Not considered in this section, unequal source and load impedances may be matched by an attenuator section. However, the formulation is more complex.

Common configurations are the T and Π networks shown in Figure above Multiple attenuator sections may be cascaded when even weaker signals are needed.
Article extracted from Tony Kuphaldt’s Lesson in Electric circuits Volume III Semiconductors under the terms and conditions of Design Science License.