The color of LED (Light Emitting diode) is actually determined on the basis of its semiconductor material. Different colored LEDs have a different voltage drop across them. Given below is the LED voltage drop chart:
- Red color LED has a voltage drop of 1.8 (Other ranges 1.7-2.2)
- Orange color LED has a voltage drop of 2 (Other ranges 2-2.1)
- Yellow color LED has a voltage drop of 2.3 (Other ranges 2.1-2.3)
- Green color LED has a voltage drop of 3.5 (Other ranges 2.1-4)
- Blue color LED has a voltage drop of 3.6 (Other ranges 3.5-4)
- White color LED has a voltage drop of 4 (Other ranges 3.3-4)
Note: The values given here are approximate and depend varying on the manufacturer as well as on the purity of material.