Memory Maps and I/O addressing in PLCs

A wise PLC programmer once told me that the first thing any aspiring programmer should learn about the  PLC  they  intend  to  program is  how the  digital  memory of that  PLC  is  organized. This  is  sage advice  for any programmer, especially  on systems  where memory is  limited,  and/or where I/O has a fixed association with certain locations in the system’s memory. Virtually every microprocessor-based control system comes with a published memory map showing the organization of its limited memory: how much is available for certain functions, which addresses are linked to which I/O points, how different locations in memory are to be referenced by the programmer.

Discrete  input  and output  channels  on a PLC  correspond  to  individual  bits  in  the  PLC’s memory array.   Similarly,  analog input  and output  channels on a PLC correspond  to  multi-bit words  (contiguous  blocks  of bits)  in  the  PLC’s  memory.   The association  between I/O  points and memory locations is by no means standardized between different PLC manufacturers, or even between different PLC models designed by the same manufacturer. This makes it difficult to write a general tutorial  on PLC addressing,  and so  my ultimate  advice  is  to  consult  the  engineering references for the PLC system you intend to program.

The most common brand of PLC in use in the United States at the time of this writing (2010) is Allen-Bradley (Rockwell), which happens to use a unique form of I/O addressing  students tend to find confusing. For these two reasons (popularity and confusion), I will focus on Allen-Bradley addressing conventions for the bulk of this section.

The following table shows a partial memory map for an Allen-Bradley SLC 500 PLC.

Note  that  Allen-Bradley’s  use of the  word “file”  differs  from personal  computer parlance. In the  SLC 500 controller,  a “file”  is  a block of random-access  memory used to  store  a particular type of data.  By contrast,  a “file” in a personal computer is a contiguous collection of data bits with  collective  meaning (e.g.  a word processing  file  or a spreadsheet file), usually stored  on the computer’s hard disk drive. Within each of the Allen-Bradley PLC’s “files” are multiple “elements,” each element consisting of a set of bits (8, 16, 24, or 32) representing data.  Elements are addressed by number following the  colon after  the  file  designator,  and individual  bits  within  each element addressed by a number following a slash  mark.  For example, the  first  bit (bit 0) of the  second element in file 3 (Binary) would be addressed as B3:2/0.

In Allen-Bradley PLCs such as the SLC 500 and PLC-5 models, files 0, 1, and 2 are exclusively reserved for discrete outputs, discrete inputs, and status bits, respectively.   Thus, the letter designators O, I, and S (file types) are redundant to the numbers 0, 1, and 2 (file numbers).  Other file types such as B (binary), T (timers), C (counters), and others have their own default file numbers (3, 4, and 5, respectively), but may also be used in some of the user-defined file numbers (10 and above). For example, file 7 in an Allen-Bradley controller is reserved for data of the “integer” type (N), but integer data may also be stored in any file numbered 10 or greater at the user’s discretion. Thus, file numbers and file type letters for data types other than output (O), input (I), and status (S) always appear together.  You would not typically see an integer word addressed  as N:30 (integer word 30 in the PLC’s memory) for example, but rather as N7:30 (integer word 30 in file 7 of the PLC’s memory) to distinguish it from other integer word 30’s that may exist in other files of the PLC’s memory.

This  file-based addressing  notation  bears  further  explanation.   When an address appears  in a PLC program, special characters are used to separate (or “delimit”) different fields from each other. The general scheme for Allen-Bradley SLC 500 PLCs is shown here:

Not all file types need to distinguish individual words and bits.  Integer files (N), for example, consist of one 16-bit word for each element.  For instance, N7:5 would be the 16-bit integer word number five  held in file  seven.   A discrete  input  file  type  (I), though,  needs to  be addressed  as individual  bits because each separate I/O point refers to a single bit.  Thus, I:3/7 would be bit number seven residing  in input  element  three.   The “slash”  symbol  is  necessary  when addressing discrete I/O bits because we do not wish to refer to all sixteen bits in a word when we just mean a single input or output point on the PLC. Integer numbers, by contrast, are collections of 16 bits each in the SLC 500 memory map, and so are usually addressed  as entire words rather than bit-by-bit.

Certain  file  types  such  as timers  are  more complex.  Each timer  “element” consists  of two

different 16-bit words (one for the timer’s accumulated value, the other for the timer’s target value) in addition to no less than three bits declaring the status of the timer (an “Enabled” bit, a “Timing” bit,  and a “Done”  bit).  Thus, we must  make  use of both  the  decimal-point  and slash  separator symbols when referring to data within a timer.  Suppose we declared a timer in our PLC program with the address T4:2, which would be timer number two contained in timer file four. If we wished to address that timer’s current value, we would do so as T4:2.ACC (the “Accumulator” word of timer number two in file four).  The “Done” bit of that same timer would be addressed  as T4:2/DN (the “Done” bit of timer number two in file four).

A hallmark of the SLC 500’s addressing scheme common to many legacy PLC systems is that the address labels for input  and output bits explicitly reference the physical locations of the I/O channels.  For instance,  if an 8-channel discrete  input  card were plugged into  slot  4 of an Allen- Bradley SLC 500 PLC, and you wished to specify the second bit (bit 1 out of a 0 to 7 range), you would address it with the following label: I:4/1.  Addressing the seventh bit (bit number 6) on a discrete output card plugged into slot 3 would require the label O:3/6. In either case, the numerical structure of that label tells you exactly where the real-world input signal connects to the PLC.

To illustrate the relationship between physical I/O and bits in the PLC’s memory, consider this example of an Allen-Bradley SLC 500 PLC, showing  one of its  discrete  input  channels energized (the switch being used as a “Start” switch for an electric motor):

If an input  or output card possesses more than 16 bits – as in the case of the 32-bit discrete output card shown in slot 3 of the example SLC 500 rack – the addressing scheme further subdivides each element into words  and bits (each “word” being 16 bits in length).  Thus, the address for bit number 27 of a 32-bit input module plugged into slot 3 would be I:3.1/11 (since bit 27 is equivalent to bit 11 of word 1 – word 0 addressing bits 0 through 15 and word 1 addressing bits 16 through 31):

A close-up photograph  of a 32-bit  DC input  card for an Allen-Bradley SLC 500 PLC system shows this multi-word addressing:

The first sixteen input points on this card (the left-hand LED group numbered 0 through 15) are addressed I:X.0/0 through I:X.0/15, with “X” referring to the slot number the card is plugged into. The next sixteen input points (the right-hand LED group numbered 16 through 31) are addressed I:X.1/0 through I:X.1/15.

Legacy PLC systems typically reference each one of the I/O channels by labels such as “I:1/3” (or equivalent15 ) indicating the actual location of the input channel terminal on the PLC unit.  The IEC 61131-3 programming standard refers to this channel-based addressing of I/O data points as direct addressing.  A synonym for direct addressing is absolute addressing.

Addressing I/O bits directly by their card, slot,  and/or  terminal labels may seem simple and elegant, but it becomes very cumbersome for large PLC systems and complex programs.  Every time a technician or programmer views the program, they must “translate” each of these I/O labels to some real-world device  (e.g.  “Input  I:1/3 is  actually the  Start  pushbutton  for the  middle  tank mixer motor”) in order to understand the function of that bit.  A later effort to enhance the clarity of PLC programming was the  concept of addressing  variables  in a PLC’s  memory by arbitrary names rather than fixed codes. The IEC 61131-3 programming standard refers to this as symbolic addressing  in contrast  to  “direct”  (channel-based)  addressing,  allowing programmers  arbitrarily name I/O  channels in ways that  are  meaningful to  the  system  as  a whole.  To use  our simple motor “Start” switch example, it is now possible for the programmer to designate input I:1/3 (an example of a direct address ) as “Motor start switch” (an example of a symbolic address ) within the program, thus greatly enhancing the readability of the PLC program. Initial implementations of this concept maintained direct addresses for I/O data points, with symbolic names appearing as supplements to the absolute addresses.

The modern trend  in PLC addressing  is  to  avoid the  use  of direct addresses  such  as I:1/3 altogether, so they do not appear anywhere in the programming code. The Allen-Bradley “Logix” series  of programmable  logic controllers  is  the  most  prominent  example of this  new convention at  the  time  of this  writing.   Each I/O  point,  regardless  of type  or physical  location,  is  assigned a tag  name which is  meaningful in a real-world sense,  and these  tag  names (or symbols  as they are  alternatively  called) are  referenced  to  absolute  I/O  channel locations  by a database  file.  An important requirement of tag names is that they contain no space characters between words (e.g. instead of “Motor start switch”, a tag name should use hyphens  or underscore marks as spacing characters:  “Motor start switch”), since spaces are generally assumed by computer programming languages to be delimiters (separators between different variables).

Having introduced  Allen-Bradley’s  addressing  notation  for SLC 500 model PLCs,  I will  now abandon it in favor of the  modern convention  of symbolic  addressing  throughout the  rest  of this chapter, so as to  avoid making the  programming examples brand- or model-specific. Each data point  within  my PLC programs  will  bear its  own tag  name rather  than  a direct (channel-based) address label.

Article from Lessons In Industrial Instrumentation by Tony R. Kuphaldt – under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License

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